THE THESIS: It may have started with good intentions, it may once have been incompetence, but somewhere along the line it changed and the County is being pillaged on every front: financially, in resources, in populations that can carry the Republic and in the legitimacy of institutions. We are past the point of incompetence, this a Cold War. 


Habakkuk‬ ‭1:2-5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, “Violence!” but you do not save? Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds. Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted. 

The Lords’ answer.

“Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”


The Invasion pillaging our finances and law enforcement resources

[AUDIO] - Senior Fellow @amrenewctr & Former Acting Deputy Secretary Of DHS @KenCuccinelli

Discussing The Historic Legal Declaration In Texas Today - "This is the first time in American history...a judge of this country has found as a matter of law that the U.S. is being invaded."

[AUDIO] -  Powerful Speech About America’s Border Crisis By @RepChipRoy: “You’re damn right that’s an invasion!” - “We should declare an invasion. We should, as Texas, turn people away, and do what is necessary to secure our communities."

[AUDIO] - PRESS SECRETARY: States "should not be meddling in" immigration policy

The building of a an infrastructure to support massive vote fraud:

Justice Department Sues Arizona Over New Law Requiring Federal Voters To Show Proof Of Citizenship

The degradation of institutions:

Principal accused of trying to fire white teachers because of their race created school of 'insanity' plagued with low-quality education and 'dangerous' fighting, say students


[AUDIO] - “After announcing that the Highland Park murderer will be charged with 7 counts of murder, the State Attorney Eric Rinehart praises red flag laws and calls for a nationwide assault weapons ban both of which are currently on the books in Illinois and Highland Park and failed.” . . . The suspect was so dangerous they took away his knives but not so dangerous as to be confined and given help:


[AUDIO] - ABC, NBC Chalk Up Abe Assassination to ‘Gun Violence’ in Country With ‘Stringent’ Gun Laws

Curtis Houck

Here’s how NPR Reported the assasination

Public trust in media is close to non-existent. This new Gallup poll reveals that only the Dem-controlled Congress (7%) is trusted less by the public than TV news (11%), with newspapers (16%) also very near the bottom. Almost zero self-critique from journalists about why.

The draining of our energy resources:

Nothing has been more completely pillaged than our pubic health system, it is utterly gone, replaced with coward and supplicants to pharma.

[AUDIO] -  Florida model Claire Bridges had both legs amputated due to the vaccine.... just look at what this poor girl has had to go thru due to "science..." …so when do the criminal trials for Gates and Fauci start?

The obvious and rampant corruption that pillages, not just our economy but our ability to trust elected officials:

[AUDIO] -  Biden's Press Secretary snaps on Peter Doocy when he EXPOSES entire Biden Crime Family with ONE simple question

NEW: Biden’s pick for intel community’s top lawyer — approved 12-4 by Senate Intel — worked as an attorney for China’s government & Huawei & declined to promise not to work for CCP in the future. Sasse, Rubio, & Cotton are blasting him for it.

CDC is hiding more data. From Ethical Skeptic: You know you have made an impact when an $8 billion dollar corporation shuts down its most critical reporting because of one analyst. As the numbers trended upward and into alarming territory, I had a suspicion that a 'system upgrade' was due.


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