THE THESIS: Twitter and Faecbook had the blessing and help of The Deep State from the very beginning and any pretense of them simply being “private companies” has been revealed as a deception. 


The Party is attempting to destroy speech. Like so much practiced by these people, the assault against freedom of speech is ungodly. Our founder correctly wrote into the Bill of Rights recognition that freedom of speech is a right granted us by God. It ts therefor unalienable. 

Billy Graham’s archives discusses the fact that God allows us freedom to choose, including what to say.


This past week, there were two important happening around The Party’s global assault of free speech, one in court and one in the US Senate:

This is potentially a HUGE win for the First Amendment

. . . this is a big case because the two states that are litigating on behalf of free speech, will get to see a lot of detail about what The Party has been doing in the illegal coordination with their partners in social media.

In the US Senate, Senator Josh Hawley, in concert with Senator Chuck Grassley read into evidence documents from a DHS Whistle Blower that prove the DHS was coordinating with social media entities and did, in fact, intended to attack the free speech of Americans about J6, Covid, election integrity and more . . . 

[AUDIO] -  Sen. @HawleyMO Reveals Whistleblower Documents Exposing The Disinformation Governance Board's Planned Big Tech Coordination: "We see that in fact this Disinformation Board from the beginning was meant to track & go after political speech that this Administration did not favor."

It’s always helpful to look for patterns. The DHS Ministry of Truth was invented to shut Americans up if they disagreed with The Party. The CDC and FDA have been using a similar, ungodly and anti-America pressure campaign against doctors who choose to tell the truth about Covid and the gene-sequencing concoctions. You know what one of the things the DHS considers “disinformation” about Covid? That it came from US-funded gain of function research in Wuhan. Yeah . . . about that: 

NIH admits US funded gain-of-function in Wuhan — despite Fauci’s denials 

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