THE THESIS: The greatest human rights crime in our lifetime has been imposed upon Americans by a group of bureaucratic tyrants and the so called party of small government refuses to run on it as an issue. They prefer war and gas. 


Matthew 21:12-13

12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13 “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.


Daniel Horowitz has a comment for John Cornyn: “That's exactly how we felt when democracy was sacked here at home for two years. Why is it you only find a moral compass on foreign conflicts?” 

Pfizer offered me $1 million & $50,000 month wage; essentially to stop writing & hammering them/Bourla; I have had limited patchy broken income due to being canceled, smeared; I said NO!

I joined McCullough, Malone, Vanden Bossche, Rische, Tenenbaum, Trozzi, Wolf,Urso et al. willingly, to wage battle for society & our children when doctors & scientists & governments failed, corrupted

US military in vaccine danger: Data in the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) shows a significant increase in registered diagnoses on DMED for miscarriages, cancer, and many conditions

People are fed up with the excuses. They know Biden is not drilling on federal lands - he talked about it as a candidate…and so he is begging dictators…stop begging dictators for more oil when the answer is under our feet.” - Steve Scalise

Listen to Geri Perna, the aunt of #MattPerna "Matt walked through an open door,he did not break through any barriers, he walked in while Capitol police officers stood to the side...he entered the Capitol almost 45 min after Congress had been adjourned."

This young girl absolutely ROASTS Canadian banksters in a speech at the Public Banking Institute.

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