THE THESIS: Canada is at war.


The Bible is filled with references to the work of the hands: agriculture, fishing and building. Here are some examples. 

The pharisees and the sadducees were the thinking class of their day--”The Virtuals”--to use the brilliant words of N.S. Lyons. While Jesus taught using the words of labor, he was often about the business of demanding the “thinkers” of his day come down from their towers and remember the Lord’s true nature. The Lord is, after all, the inventor of all things . . . the earth we farm being among the first.  


Reality Honks Back - by N.S. Lyons - The Upheaval

When asked about intel gathering on protesters, Ottawa Police Chief says they will be coming after protesters for months to come. “If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges. Absolutely.”

Watch the speaker shut down the member that asks about ties with WEF. You can not bring up WEF and those in government whom are connected to it in Parliament

Dutch MP asks Prime Minister Mark Rutte about his relationship with Klaus Schwab...Learn how to put someone in the corner of the ring :)))))


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