THE THESIS: The Party is successfully hiding the Covid catastrophe and Mockingbirds are happily playing along. If we don’t speak up, they will get away with the biggest, most brutal attack ion humanity in the lifetimes of everyone born after 1965. 


Matthew 10

Matthew 10:26 “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.”


[AUDIO] -  President Trump has GOT to stop pimping the mRNA

[AUDIO] - Horrifying: The Shots May Be Altering Human DNA to Produce Spike Protein on a Long-Term Basis Dr. McCullough: "If this is true... we'll never be able to get this spike protein out of the human species."

Finally got the unredacted version of this FoIA’d document. Three months after the release of the vaccine Pfizer had to hire 600 additional full-time employees, with a plan to hire 1800 total, just to process the flood of adverse events reported.

[AUDIO] -  What the?? This video taken yesterday in Shanghai, China, by the father of a close friend of mine. She verified its authenticity: People screaming out of their windows after a week of total lockdown, no leaving your apartment for any reason.

California, New York handled COVID-19 lockdowns the worst, Florida among the best, a new study shows; Some liberal states 'had high age-adjusted death rates and high unemployment'



Isn't the "Great Reset" a lot like Charles Manson's Helter Skelter? Trying to start a racial uprising and ultimately a race war. Then the elite move in to "solve" the problem because they think people are to stupid to run the world. They are rich white people. I think the plan has been thought through about as well as Manson did. I'm white and do not want to see this happen! It's evil anyway you look at it.

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I'm writing you finally because for the past month or so your show and shows like your good buddy Jason rantz and tim pool all you guys ...all you guys have been running ads from the Michigan department of health and Inhuman services apparently! Because this evil evil organizations and I'll cut all of you guys out...I'll just turn off conservative talk radio all together than rather than listen to these ads's some direct quotes...and I hate to even listen to it again...first of all if you want the kids-sized covid vaccine that right for you go to that's right for you...I did that from memory cause I've heard it so many's a durest quote...' can I ask you a question? Why do want to get the covid 19 vaccine? Now a kid answers...'i don't like getting dick's another kid say'i want to keep my family safe and keep playing soccer'...this one broke my heart...'be like happy having fun everywhere' direct quotes! ' I hope everyone gets the vaccine...I already wrote rantz and I'm just kindly letting all you guys know...not that it's your guys fault people like me need to be more proactive...but I can't support anyone playing this message anymore...this is mostly my fault for letting it go on this the show! Great format putting god number one...hell is hot I get it! Love ya brother!

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Your a listening standard, thank you. I noticed that you struggled what to say to a woman who would 'jump for joy I her son said her young son declared he was a girl' and missed the entire point. There's brutal enforcement of 'fashion clique' imposed on women for acceptance to 'rolling' group think. Mutilating children and pedophilia have become the 'fashion', there is no purpose to it other than dominance and control. Unfortunately, the correct response is always with suffering women "Who do you want to be, who are you listening to and how's your walk with God?". This will fall flat, of course.

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