In 1975, Senator Frank Church was allowed on NBC News to warn the Nation about the FBI creating surveillance State. In 2023, we know for a fact the FBI has done far worse. The Twitter Files prove the FBI rigs elections which is, in my opinion, treason. Yet, that is simply a tactic for them.

Their strategy is to hack the minds of Americans by crafting a false reality. When the FBI (and CDC/DHS/State-level Party Members) used Twitter to suppress speech critical of The Party, they created a false world where only “crazy” people thought Hunter Biden even HAD a laptop. Social media became a planet where only “MAGA Terrorists” thought it odd that 5 states all simultaneously pretended to stop counting votes--but kept counting--and all of them saw Joe Biden defy all mathematical odds to surpass Trump at 4:30 in the morning. YouTube, the biggest media company in the world, is a universe where most users have never seen a person injured by the “safe and effective ‘vaccines.’” This is one huge reason why it’s such a great thing that conservatives have finally made Congress a deliberative body again. ONLY that can force Kevin McCarthy to let Congress force these people--Wray, Fauci, Jack Dorsey--to testify. The late Justice Anthony Scalia reminded the Senate that gridlock, like we saw in the Speaker’s vote, is a sign that our system is working exactly as the founders intended,

What does God say?

Psalm 37: 10-13

“10 A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found.11 But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity. 12 The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; 13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.”

[AUDIO] - In 1975, #SenatorFrankChurch gave this dire prediction of what would happen to America if entities within our own government turned technology meant for war, against We The People. This is prophetic. Watch closely, then retweet. This is what @elonmusk is exposing in real time.[AUDIO] - FLASHBACK: Everything The Media Said We’d Find in Trump’s Tax ReturnsThe Coup We Never Knew; We are beginning to wake up from a nightmare to a country we no longer recognize, and from a coup we never knew[AUDIO] - Hannity is not happy with it or with Rep. Lauren Boebert…[AUDIO] - Brian Kilmeade accidentally let their next 4AM talking point out - watch the legacy media start calling the freedom caucus “insurrectionists”[AUDIO] - Antonin Scalia on why gridlock is good. [AUDIO] - Michael Cloud, one of the 20 "No" votes against Kevin McCarthy: "I'm fighting to fix this broken system. If not now, then when?"[AUDIO] - Ruhle Dismisses U.S. Founding Fathers in Heated Debate with Boebert

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