THE THESIS: A Republican House and Senate will have the hook they need to investigate the organizations President Trump correctly called “enemies of the people”, a term that used to make me feel incredibly uneasy but, in light of their hoaxing on Russia, Covid, election integrity, J6, is perfect. The Mockingbirds took federal moneys to pimp injections, that made them into federal vendors. In all likelihood, the relationships are far deeper and the monetary ties even stronger (Big Pharma ads for the mRNA, afterall, came from tax dollars paid to produce that garbage). Since the feds do this to every other entity that takes federal moneys, the Republicans should subpoena the heads of CNN, MSNBC, FOX, NY Times, USA Today and the rest of them. 


Who Is the Father of Lies? From the beginning of creation, Satan has been the father of lies. With the lie in the garden of Eden, Satan led Eve and Adam to the fall of mankind. Lying is Satan’s primary weapon against us all. He uses this tactic to confuse us, leave us hopeless, and twist God’s Word. He wants us to doubt the goodness of God.


Is this really just ideology that makes the Mockingbird Media traipse along with one another, parroting the same words, lines and responses? Maybe. But, could there be another reason for that? Of course. If Republicans ever decide to care, they have ways to find out the true depth of corrupt coordination between government and the Mockingbirds.

[AUDIO] - Media Meltdown Compilation: Roe Overturned, Journalist Hardest Hit

CNN complains about the divide in what Americans believe about the Country, but she absolves CNN from helping to manufacture that divide. 

How partisanship is making polling Americans more complicated

Of course, when you live in a bubble, you cannot see you live in it.

[AUDIO] -  Reporters Insist: We Don't Have Bias or Double Standards

Jim Jordan does a good job asking questions of the woman who went off on a family vacation at the same time as she was screaming for the little people “stay home and stay ‘safe.’” 

[AUDIO] - “Doctor” Deborah Birx refuses to tell Jim Jordan if the government lied about the injections providing immunity (yes, they lied . . . how do I know? Because I read the SEC filings of the Pharma Cartels). 

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