I want to be careful as we cannot fight for God with the tools of the devil. We are nearing a point, though, where I don’t think it will be stealing to hack into government data. Here are a few examples of why I say that. Our government hid life-saving information from us, would it have been morally correct to hack into it to get it? Our CDC, a pharma company by any other name, built-up a $2 billion “private group” that specializes in crushing doctors who disagree with the Faucists, would it be moral to hack the CDC to see what else they have hidden? There are more government agitators in a group of J6 protesters than actual protesters, but the government hid that information from defense attorneys and that has put people in prison, would it have been morally defensible to hack into get that information? The secretary of defense broke the law by lying to congress about the state of war between Russia and Ukraine--he won’t be so much as issued a strongly worded letter--but the young man who posted the proof of that online will face the full weight of the government. Was it morally correct for him to release that information? Because of him, we also know our government lied to us about how deeply we are involved in the war in Ukraine--a war the FigureHead has never declared--in that we have special forces in Ukraine.

What does God say?

God doesn’t need to hack anyone. He sees all and Jesus will return to judge all of us.

Luke 8:16-18

A Lamp on a Stand

16 “No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light. 17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. 18 Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they think they have will be taken from them.”

Supreme Court Rules Against Biden Administration in Agency Lawsuit DisputeJay Inslee, the Dictator of the Separate Country of Washington, is a sociopathic liar who pretends his Dictatorship operates with transparency. 14 US special forces on the ground in Ukraine, Pentagon leak showsTucker: Lloyd Austin broke the law when he lied about Russia losing the war in Ukraine, he will not go to jail. The young man who provided proof Austin was lying will go to prison.Want to be a whistleblower? You better support the Current Thing; Leaks revealed U.S. troops have “mission critical functions” in Ukraine, despite never having declared war against Russia.Bombshell photos, video of UN-sponsored human migration camp at Darien Gap where global migrants assemble for transport to the United StatesCDC Partners With ‘Social and Behavior Change’ Initiative to Silence Vaccine HesitancyRep. Thomas Massie: Your primary care provider was bribed to suggest you should take the COVID vaccine.Doctors in Kentucky, California Received Millions in Bonus Payments for Vaccinating Medicaid Patients Against COVID; Documents reveal that the federal government and insurers incentivized healthcare providers in Kentucky and California to vaccinate Medicaid patients against COVID-19 by offering bonuses based on the percentage of patients successfully vaccinated.Thomas Renz: BREAKING: It appears VERY possible that Pfizer & Moderna vaccines may be altering the human genome.New Study on Transparent Mice Finds Injected Spike Protein Travels to Most Organs Within 30 Minutes: "Notably, the highly immunogenic spike protein, also used in COVID-19 vaccines, might be a candidate for triggering infection-independent effects...At 30 minutes post-intravenous injection...We detected spike S1 binding in most organs, including the heart, lung, liver, kidney, intestine, thymus, spleen, and pancreas." https://4patriots.com
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