RFK, Jr., Covid & “anti-semitism” - Of course China is building DNA specific bio-weapons. Do you think Fauci wasn’t doing the same?

When Rep. Jason Crowe spoke at the Aspen Security Forum, he said bio-weapons are being developed to target races and individuals, no one called him anti-semitic. But, when RFK, Jr. talked about a peer reviewed study showing Covid (very likely human-created with your tax dollars), effects Jewish, Chinese and Norwegian people less than others and factors like that could be weaponized in biowarfare, RFK, Jr. was a Jew--hater. Robert Kennedy has responded and he’s absolutely correct about ethnically targeted bio-weapons as a threat. Is Ron DeSantis able to take down the Deep State? He and Tucker Carlson get deep into that discussion.

What does God’s Word say?
2 Timothy 4:4
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

Episode 966 Links:
People say @RobertKennedyJr fueled an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, but he didn't. China has indeed been researching ethnically-targeted bioweapons. What's more, Kennedy triggered a long-overdue debate about how to rein in the dual-use research that has spiraled out of control.RFK, Jr. responds to the NY Post’s allegation that he is anti-semitic“There’s a new kind of censorship called targeted propaganda” - Presidential Candidate, @RobertKennedyJr, provides context on the viral video yesterday with @RabbiShmuleyTucker: "Maybe January 6th wasn't an insurrection."@VivekGRamaswamy: "You want to know what caused J6? Pervasive censorship in this country in the lead up to J6. We were told you could not question where the virus came from. We were told that you could not send a private message to someone on the eve of an election that Hunter Biden's laptop story was true. You were told you had to be locked down, you had to take a vaccine that was mandated while Antifa and BLM roam and burn the streets. That's what caused J6. A cycle of censorship."Intelligence Committee members warn US of bioweapons targeting DNA of individual Americans; Congressman Jason Crow says young Americans are too willing to give up their DNA infoThe Brevard County, FL Leadership Committee Adopted a Resolution Calling on Gov. Ron DeSantis to Make COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Illegal. "The pharmaceutical companies committed crimes and pushed fraud on the public about the effectiveness of the vaccines and downplayed the risks and side effects, they argued. The Brevard Republican party’s controversial letter will be sent to DeSantis and other state leaders asking to outlaw the vaccines in the Sunshine State."Tucker asks DeSantis about fighting the deep state and pardoning Assange: "My goal is to end the weaponization of government. Part of what you need to do if you have a two-tiered system of justice, you need to make sure if there are some people that got away that shouldn't have, they need to face the music. And if there are other people that are being targeted, then there needs to be use of the pardon power."

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