In our Red State Fire Wall Series. The State of Idaho is seeing leftism creep into the GOP. Why is that happening, how can you protect your State? 12 year State Senator, now retired, Steve Vick joins.

Idaho can be a bellwether for conservatism in the states because it is conservative. So, how did a Bill to legitimize illegal immigration get a hearing in the Idaho State Senate? Why did a Bill to ban the chemical and sexual mutilation of children fail? Steve Vick was a State Senator for 12 years, how knows the shiny shoes in Idaho are and why they are selling the State out. He tells us.

It’s not “just” the states, it’s the churches we need to protect. Jesus said the Gates of Hell would not prevail against HIS Church, not churches in general. The Enemy knows that and he is busy destroying churches, often by lying about the Bible. Always happy to help evil, the Washington Post published a piece where they pretend to be confused as to why Catholic priests aren’t supposed to use sexual hook-up apps. But, that same WAPO is apparently unconcerned about Snapchat’s AI telling what it “thought” was a 13 year old girl to have fun having sex for the first time with a 31 year old man who was taking her across State lines.

What does God say?

Isaiah 5:20

20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,who put darkness for light and light for darkness,who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Matthew 18:6

Causing to Stumble

6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Idaho committee advances bill creating restricted driver’s license for undocumented residents [nope: illegal immigrants - TH]; Divided transportation committee took unusual step of sending Senate Bill 1081 to Senate floor without a do-pass recommendation attachedIdaho Senate halts “healthcare” [read” mutilation] bill “targeting” [read: protecting] “trans” [read: confused] youthWaPo Confused Why It’s Wrong For Catholic Priests To Use Hookup AppsNEWS; Snapchat’s AI program engages “13 year old girl” in a sneaky, dangerous, sexual chat
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