THE THESIS: Once again, The Party is telling us there is one way out of the dangerous dependence upon our enemies for fuel: reset the entire U.S. economy, con, blackmail and ultimately force people to purchase--or, was preferred by The Party, rent--electric vehicles. Just like Covid, there is only one behavioral kill chute of an answer. In Covid, we certainly couldn’t use the abundant and safe early treatments, we could never count on dangerous natural immunity. Nope, only the mRNA injections would save us. With Russia and energy, we certainly can’t drill our abundant oil, we cannot produce the widely available natural gas, or make methanol. Nope, only flipping our economy on its head will work. And, look at that: the media agrees, academia agrees, the deep state agrees, big tech agrees and big finance agrees . . . yep, The Party. 


The 10 plagues God employed in Egypt


Gee . . . why don’t I trust The Party to tell us the truth about Ukraine? 

BREAKING: NYT reporter says there were ‘a ton of FBI informants’ among the people who attacked the Capitol

US is working with Ukraine to prevent biological research facilities from falling into the hands of Russians — Victoria Nuland . . . featured prominently in Stone’s documentary 

 … Victoria Nuland, huh?

Oliver Stone on Victoria Nuland and Biden

Robert Malone: All Along the Watchtower; Would the Russian invasion of Ukraine be justified if it were for biodefense?

The U.S. government and media think Nazis in Ukraine are a myth. It wasn’t always the case, as Robert Parry reported in 2015.

The era of Trump Vs. The era of Mayor Pete. 

BIDEN: "It's simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production"

Shaquille O’Neal Vs. Gas Tank Math

CNN reporter: "People we've spoken to over the last couple weeks are okay with paying higher gas prices if it means holding Russia accountable"

Biden economic advisor Brian Deese: "The only viable path to energy independence" is to reduce fossil fuel use to "zero."

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