The Lord can equip anyone to be saved and to serve him. Drunks. Murderers. Tax Collectors. Rodeo-Clown Radio Hosts. 

How will the Lord equip you? How much will you let him change you? 

In this Pilot Episode of Meet Me In Damascus, we talk with one of the Nation’s leading pastors, Jim Putman of Real Life Ministries in Post Falls, Idaho. Jim tells us about his Damascus moment that took him from a young alcoholic given “abusing [his] parents” to an author and disciple-making pastoral leader of nearly ten thousand Christians. You will hear how God took away from Jim, a three-time All-American wrestler, his shot at the Olympics and how a bitter and disappointed young man initially refused the Lord’s call to service. So . . . how did God change his heart? And are Jim’s struggles over? What does he say to people who think they are too broken for the Lord to use, let alone to love? 

Books By Jim Putnam

About the Title of The Series

The Lord Jesus called a man who had lead the persecution and murder of Christians to become the Apostle Paul. It was on the Road to Demascus where Jesus appeared to the man then named Saul of Tarsus. The Lord asked Saul why he was persecuting him. “Who are you, Lord?” asked Saul. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting”, said our Lord. Saul was blinded and became entirely dependent on help from others. The once mighty “Pharisee of Pharisees” had to wait three days until the Lord called upon a Christian to go restore his sight and baptize him. After his conversion and at least three years of being discipled, Saul--now The Apostle Paul--became one of the most important of all the Apostles. 

About The Music

"Do You Love Me?" is written and performed by my beloved brother, Matthew Bruno, the man who led me to the Lord Jesus by his example of selfless love. You

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