THE THESIS: Liz Cheney pretends it is un-American to question the ethics of government employees at the FBI, but what Liz is really protecting isn’t government or governance. She is trying to protect a class of people, the earthly-elite and its power and access. What President Trump represents to people like Liz isn’t a physical insurrection, it’s a breaking of mental bonds. God has used Donald Trump as the broken vessel who broke the illusion of the two party system into pieces. 


2 Corinthians 4:7 

But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.

Leviticus 19:11

“‘Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.”

Psalm 119:163 

 “I hate and detest falsehood.”

Proverbs 12:22 

“The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.”

Proverbs 13:5  

“The righteous hate what is false.”

Colossians 3:9 

“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices.”


The Party has its new election rigging linchpin: Trump the FBI target. 

The 2024 Election Is Being Rigged Right Now In Plain Sight

While Hillary got to negotiate with the FBI on what they asked her, what they got to look at and when and even got to destroy evidence when she felt like it, the FBI raided President Trump’s home and took every document the man ever saw while he worked in the white house. 

BREAKING: FBI Raid Warrant Demanded Seizure Of Literally Any Record Trump Ever Saw During 4-Year 

Presidential Term

Why didn’t Garland do for Trump what the FBI did for Hillary?

Get the affidavits and the rest of the documents

Or, go raid one of Obama’s many houses

Barack Obama Has Missing Records. When Will the FBI Ransack His House?

[AUDIO] - Trump’s lawyer went on FOX News - Christina Robb, Trump lawyer with Steve Bannon

MSNBC host admits this is a game of gotcha

The Party fully understands that God has shown many of us they live in lies, so they say more often amd more urgently to themselves and their victims that they are in charge and we must trust them. 

Merrick Garland ‘Personally Approved’ Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant, Files Motion to Unseal It

Garland provided no details.

People who have worked with Merrick Garland know what he is like, and that is exactly what we can see him to be like: a brutal divider of Americans and a heartless ideologue of The Party. 

[AUDIO] - Former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Terry Turchie says Merrick Garland would not sign off on a warrant to raid the Unabomber, but signed off on a warrant to raid Trump.

FBI Infiltrated By Chinese Agents? – Former Deputy Asst. Director Of FBI Warns Of That & More

In something of a “Kinsey Gaffe”, the inside-trading Nancy Pelosi explains how people like her start division campaigns by using the same media she addresses, here: 

[AUDIO] -  Nancy Pelosi explains the “wrap-up smear.”  

. . . and, here is the “wrap-up smear” playing out: for four years they have been merchandising it and now they get to feign shock and disappointment 

FBI Director Wray Denounces Threats After Raid on Trump’s Home: ‘Deplorable and Dangerous’

Liz Cheney said it sickening for Republicans to question the integrity of the FBI

Former NSA & CIA Director Michael Hayden, (who also was among the dozens of ex-intel officials who signed the infamous October 2020 Hunter Biden laptop letter) out here suggesting that Trump should be executed.

Of course there are good people at the FBI. But, it is rotten from the top and has many liars in the ranks. We need look no further than the people who ran the attempted kidnapping hoax.

Now, let’s check in on the Michigan kidnapping hoax hatched, pushed and kept alive by FBI agents and informants

[AUDIO] - One of the plot-hatchers, Steve Robeson, is a multiple felon who the FBI fired--after paying him nearly $20,000--because they said he committed two other crimes during the time frame and was double-crossing them

[AUDIO] - FBI agent Richard Trask was a lead investigator in the case. He was fired after being arrested for assaulting his wife in a drunken rage after a swingers party. Here's video of his arrest (he wasn't charged with DUI even tho he's clearly intoxicated)

The 2 agents in charge of the primary informant also were removed from the case amid scandal--one was moonlighting and using his position at FBI to gin up business and another was accused of perjury in separate case. One agent instructed his informant to target a disabled Vietnam vet in Virginia to concoct the same plot against Gov. Northam. "Mission is to kill the governor specifically."

Sadly, this is not new to the FBI

[AUDIO] - A snippet from the Church Committee

And, as Victor David Hansen says, it must be dismantled. 

FBI a Great Threat to Democracy: Victor Davis Hanson

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