James Comey has fears. Dylan Mulvaney saved a man from the so-called “trans” cult. Chuck Todd retires with an unintentionally hilarious statement.

Man, James Comey is a paranoid lunatic. That man ACTUALLY believes that a sitting US President would use the DOJ and FBI to attack political opponents. That’s right up there with the fever swamp notion that FBI leadership would ever allow their organization to be used to peddle a fake political opposition hit to the FISA Court to get permission to spy on Americans. This is America, Jim. That could NEVER happen.

Good thing we have Chuck Todd running things at Meet The Press to keep this all straight. In his MTP retirement announcement, Chuck reminded us that NBC would NEVER allow propaganda on their network, never has, never will. They have been, in other words, “the safest, most secure [network] in history”, and people who watch NBC/MSNBC are “100% protected against infection and transmission of [disinformation].”

PS: I have to thank Mr. Dylan Mulvaney, pictured below. His work pretending to be an over-sexualized, coquettish little girl who wants an oldman sugar daddy actually saved a real man’s life. Yes, I am serious.

What does God’s Word say?
Proverbs 6:16-19 16 There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,19 a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Episode 876 Links:
The regime that puts its political opponents in prison is worried about the out party, which doesn't imprison its political opponents, getting in power again. Who knows what horrific and unethical and dangerous lengths they'll go to to stop effective accountability going forwardElie Mystal Claims John Roberts 'An Enemy of Black People Voting'Chuck Todd on leaving Meet The ‘Depressed’ (God rest Rush): “I leave feeling concerned about this moment in history, but reassured by the standards we’ve set here. We didn’t tolerate propagandists and this network and program never will...I take the attacks from partisans as compliments...”Senator Tom Cotton Introduces Bill That Would Defund Public Universities That Limit Free Speech Less Than 10 Percent of Pistol Braces Registered With ATF by Deadline; Multiple lawsuits are pending as regulators mum on enforcementFederal agents make huge seizure of fentanyl in Arizona, enough to kill every American plusThe operations occurred from March 6 to May 8 at four ports of entry and at two checkpoints.

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