In defense of Tucker Carlson (who was called out by a favorite conservative writer of mine, Scott Johnson).

In today’s episode, I begin by defending Tucker Carlson in the wake of an attack against him by Scott Johnson, who claims Tucker is in a tailspin. Tucker had the temerity to speak the truth about the war between Israel and Hamas, and his comments on the unfolding situation have upset many people. We take a look at what Tucker said and evaluate his points one by one. We also examine comments made about Israel by the co-founder of BLM and protesters who are praising the violence perpetrated by Hamas. We must carefully consider the wise path moving forward.
As Steven Hayward at Powerline points out, the nameplates are all facing FigureHead Biden. The man is so far gone that he needs name tags for “his” advisers.
What does God’s Word say?
Psalm 46:10 10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Matthew 10:16 16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
7 Reasons The Enemy Seeks To Create Division

Episode 1,151 Links:
As Steven Hayward at Powerline points out, the nameplates are all facing FigureHead Biden. The man is so far gone that he needs name tags for “his” advisers. Can we take a minute to laugh?Ep. 29 After the Hamas attacks, what’s the wise path forward?Scott’s piece is entitled “Tucker’s Tailspin.” BLM FLASHBACK: In 2015, BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors spoke about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stating:"I salute HAMAS for a job well done!" WATCH. Unbridled hatred at anti-Israel rally in Philadelphia support of the HAMAS massacre of Jews. Watch: Aging Poorly: Joe Biden Talks Plans For Securing The Border Using ‘High-Tech’: In 2020, Biden claimed his administration would establish a new system to responsibly manage & secure the US border, using ‘high-tech border security’.659 known, suspected terrorists captured in fiscal 2023, most in recorded historyAt the @UW rally in support of Hamas "resistance," Antifa acted as security. Their members followed & harassed Asian-American journalist @choeshow. Jewish radio host @thehoffather asked one wearing Jewish symbolism which synagogue they go to. No reply.Jewish students at @UW campus witnessing pro-#Palestinian rally break down. “They want us dead, how you are allowing this?" This is @UCLA where students are screaming "intifada, intifada” - a call to murder Israelis and Jews. Imagine just for a moment what it’s like to a Jewish student on this campus.Pro Hamas protesters at @GeorgeMasonU chant “they’ve got tanks we’ve got hang gliders, glory to the resistance fighters.” Hamas terrorists used hang gliders to infiltrate Israel and murder over 1,200 people including Americans. These students are glorifying and praising terrorists who murdered babies, raped and murdered women, and took dozens of hostages including Americans.John Fetterman, completely unironically: "America is not sending their best and brightest, you know, to Washington, D.C."While the world implodes, the military is focused on “gender inclusive socks”…4Patriots
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