SEATTLE SPIRIT: Todd issues a correction via Jason Rantz, Stacey Abrams edited a piece because the media turns a blind eye with her, School won’t let police clear homeless camp near the campus because logic, Rep. Jesse Young has been silenced over zoom, CNN actor Cuomo is pissed at ‘gerrymandering,’ Rose McGowan bravely defies the democrats // McGowan says Dems are turning into a cult on Fox News and MSNBC’s tone deaf panel on vaccine passports // Tarik trolls Todd with David Bowie’s excellent ‘The Laughing Gnome,’ Just a Few More Things


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SEATTLE SPIRIT: Todd issues a correction via Jason Rantz, Stacey Abrams edited a piece because the media turns a blind eye with her, School won’t let police clear homeless camp near the campus because logic, Rep. Jesse Young has been silenced over zoom, CNN actor Cuomo is pissed at ‘gerrymandering,’ Rose McGowan bravely defies the democrats // McGowan says Dems are turning into a cult on Fox News and MSNBC’s tone deaf panel on vaccine passports // Tarik trolls Todd with David Bowie’s excellent ‘The Laughing Gnome,’ Just a Few More Things


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