King 5 news are race pimps, kids are more likely to be harmed by the injection than the virus, school districts get money for having injection clinics at the school, injection is likely to create new variants, KOMO claims that pregnant women are more at risk from Covid, they say what they want to say and the truth is what they want it to be, // Athletes are some of the healthiest people on earth and seeing them go down with a medical problem due to the injection is tragic, first it is one booster, what’s next // JUST A FEW MORE THINGS

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 King 5 news are race pimps, kids are more likely to be harmed by the injection than the virus, school districts get money for having injection clinics at the school, injection is likely to create new variants, KOMO claims that pregnant women are more at risk from Covid, they say what they want to say and the truth is what they want it to be, // Athletes are some of the healthiest people on earth and seeing them go down with a medical problem due to the injection is tragic, first it is one booster, what’s next // JUST A FEW MORE THINGS

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