SEATTLE SPIRIT: Mitch McConnell Announces Covid Relief Deal, Seattle Public Schools tells teachers that the education system is guilty of “spirit murder” against black children, Edmonds church puts Holy family in a cage to spotlight 'injustices' towards immigrants, remember when celebs rejected the 2016 election and the media cheered? // The mockingbird media’s fascination with vaccine theater // AOC’s COVID actions are cowardly, YouTube did not want you to see or hear this testimony


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SEATTLE SPIRIT: Mitch McConnell Announces Covid Relief Deal, Seattle Public Schools tells teachers that the education system is guilty of “spirit murder” against black children, Edmonds church puts Holy family in a cage to spotlight 'injustices' towards immigrants, remember when celebs rejected the 2016 election and the media cheered? // The mockingbird media’s fascination with vaccine theater // AOC’s COVID actions are cowardly, YouTube did not want you to see or hear this testimony


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