Hi, my name is Todd. I’m full-on right-wing & Christian … here’s how terrifying I am! Did you know a sign of being a dictator is making jokes? According to Politico, making jokes means you are literally Hitler. Here’s how scary I am! I look at MSNBC calling Trump a fascist, utterly hilarious. I am so scary as a right wing Christian, I say turn the other cheek. You have probably been taught a lot of things about conservative Christians. I’m so scary, I don’t even like to use the term “race”. In fact, I think the focus on race is demonic. That’s how utterly terrifying I am as a right-wing Christian.

What Does God’s Word say? 
Ezekiel 7:20
20 His beautiful ornament they used for pride, and they made their abominable images and their detestable things of it. Therefore I make it an unclean thing to them.
Episode 1,481 Links:
MSNBC’s @BeschlossDC: “A major party candidate is saying, ‘You elect me, there’s going to be dictatorship, bloodbath, violence, retribution against my political enemies that equals what we’ve seen in Germany & Italy & other places.”Apple and Google have blocked Tommy Robinson’s Telegram channel.Elon Musk tries to explain how lowering the standards for doctors could result in more deaths. Don Lemon is unable to grasp the concept. This entire exchange is incredible.On the House floor, I listed seven things President Biden can do to end the border crisis. Ironically, the President stood here during his State of the Union address and claimed there was nothing he could do. The President needs to take these actions to secure the border now.FBI Ordered to Turn Over Covenant School Shooter's Manifesto for Judicial ReviewKen Buck's latest comments make it painfully obvious that he is part of a scheme with 3 other Republican traitors who will resign BEFORE the election so that the 2024 Presidential certification process will be run by Democrats/Hakeem Jeffries!

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