THE THESIS: Tony Fauci is hinting at more lockdowns of small businesses, churches and schools. Only Rand Paul and Ron Johnson are prepared to scrape the surface of his human rights crimes. 


On Biblical leaders and their call to protect others

Psalm 78:72

 With upright heart he shepherded them

and guided them with his skillful hand. Read More

David was taken from the sheepfolds. Like Moses (Ex. 3:1), he learned how to shepherd with literal sheep. The king is ideally a shepherd of his people (cf. 2 Sam. 5:2), caring for them, protecting them, and leading them in faithfulness to the covenant. David at his best did his work with upright heart and skillful hand, though he had his own moral failures; many kings in his line were much less upright and skillful. The term “shepherd” came to be used of leaders in Israel (priests, nobles, and judges), and the prophet Ezekiel spoke out about the greedy shepherds in his day (Ezek. 34). He looked forward to the time after the exile when God would raise up “his servant David” (i.e., the Messiah) who would be the “shepherd” of his people (Ezek. 34:23–24). When Jesus called himself the “good shepherd” (John 10:11, 14), he claimed to be the long-awaited heir of David, who would guide his people perfectly.

Luke 12:48

Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.

The faithful and wise manager is the person who faithfully and fairly cares for those for whom he is responsible, giving them their portion . . . at the proper time. When the master returns, the faithful manager will be rewarded—a metaphorical picture of the rewards that will be given to faithful believers at the return of Christ. The faithful manager is then contrasted with the unfaithful servant who beats the household servants and gets drunk. To the surprise of the unfaithful servant, however, the master will return at an hour he does not know (Luke 12:46), resulting in swift and harsh judgment: he will cut him in pieces (cf. Jer. 34:18) and put him with the unfaithful—a metaphorical reference to the punishment that awaits the unbeliever at the return of Christ. The latter description (cf. Luke 13:27–28 and esp. the parallel in Matt. 24:51) indicates eternal judgment and separation from God (cf. Luke 8:13). much will be required. People who have been entrusted by God with many abilities and responsibilities will be held to a higher standard on the last day (cf. notes on Matt. 25:29; Mark 4:24, 25).


EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Collins Blindsided by First Questions on ‘Takedown’ Email

Fauci: If we see an increase in cases, we have to "be able to pivot and go back to” COVID restrictions

The light at the end of the mRNA vaccine tunnel looks more like a train every day

80% increase in all cause mortality ages 25-44.Why??

Scientists are working on vaccines that spread like a disease. What could possibly go wrong?

Rand Paul pledges to 'get to the bottom' of Fauci's COVID response

Rand Paul vows to remove ‘dictator in chief’ Fauci from NIAID

Psaki: “We don’t know” that COVID effects older people more than younger people.

PSAKI: "When we came into this administration...there was no real plan. We were left no plan by our predecessors" to get "access to vaccines."


Live - Lightning Crashes 



Dude! You totally Ned Flanders on this one.

Read the comments below the video, this song is AMAZING!!! 90s rule, Gen X!!! Seattle Sound/Grundge. 

Faithful listener still. Lolz. 



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