A judge has dismissed with prejudice a court case against Dr. Peter McCullough brought, in fact, for the sole purpose of a medical tyrant signaling their worldly virtue. That is one of many signs of a tide being turned; a top insurance company analyst reports you are 7x more likely to die with every injection of mRNA! Pray to God the truth-tellers explode in numbers because, every week, the news about the ruin of mRNA grows in seriousness. An outlier report based upon secret Australian government data appears to show an over 5,000% increase in all-cause mortality; yes, it’s an outlier, but we need to study it. Scientists have isolated aMad Cow type disease in the brains of mRNA injected people\, most of whom have died. It’s a small number of people, but there may well be countless others who died from it after being injected and doctors didn’t see--or, refused to admit--the connection to the mRNA injections. High school athletes continue to have strokes and heart attacks and a 6-year old girl #DiedSuddenly . . . her mother bragged about her being injected. Thank God for animated more truth-tellers, as an MIT Professor adds his name to those demanding an end to the injections.

What does God say?

I want to keep our focus on this: God sees.

Luke 8:17

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

The Links
‘Wouldn’t Do Anything Different’: Dr. Peter McCullough Unbowed After Winning Legal CaseExpose: BREAKING: Secret Australian Government Reports prove COVID Vaccination has caused a shocking 5,162% increase in Excess Deaths compared to the year 2020Top Insurance Analyst Finds a 7% Increase In Aggregate Mortality for Each C19 Dose Receive - Josh Stirling: "The more doses ... you have in a [US] region ... the bigger increase in mortality … If you're over the age of 50, and you took all 5 doses, that'd be a 35% increase."Mad Cow brain disease days after COVID gene injection? Yes, we see a new Creutzfeldt-Jakob prion Disease with 26 Cases of Human Version of Mad-Cow Disease (Perez); 20 died within 5 months of vaccineI was just fired for not wearing a mask. Please share if you can. I have no one in my corner.High School Senior Basketball Player In Detroit Collapses From Cardiac Arrest During GameShock as top-ranked NJ athlete collapses during gameSouth Carolina: Trainer helps Upstate 8th grader who went into cardiac arrest at basketball gameJust 6 mins after landing a plane, pilot has cardiac arrest. Plane had 200 passengers.The response of US authorities is even more terrifying. You sure you wanna fly?BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Federal Government Is TRACKING Unvaccinated People Who Go To The Doctor and to the Hospital, Due to CDC-Designed Surveillance Program. National File has obtained the government video they do NOT want you to see!Ethical Skeptic: 𝟓𝟒𝟔,𝟗𝟎𝟎 𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐧-𝐂𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐝 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐬. Narrative Ninnies, this isn't just going to 'go away'..Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: "Yeah, this is a free country, laissez-faire, do as you will, but this mandate for medical workers saved their lives..."6-year-old Anastasia Marie Weaver #diedsuddenly at her home. Her father found her dead in her bed. Her mother is a nurse and she heavily pushed the “vaccine” on Facebook. Anastasia did receive at least two “vaccines” according to the mother’s social media.“Vaccinated” MIT professor calls for immediately halting all mRNA “vaccines.” “I think there is no other ethical or scientific choice… This is clearly the most failing product in the history of medical products both in terms of efficacy and safety.Government making a Dairy Farm in Southern Ontario dump 30,000 litres of milk because they have gone over quota. Can’t donate it to a food bank, or to a hospital, or to a homeless shelter. Right down the drain so we can pay $7 per liter for milk.

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