THE THESIS: The Party has been prepping an environment where saying “liberty”, “we, The People” and carrying copies of the Constitution make one a domestic terrorist. Now, The Party says it disqualifies you from running for Congress. This is nothing less than culling the herd of anyone who will seriously confront the Cultural Revolution of the Great Reset. So, what will happen if brave, rock-ribbed Republicans dare speak God’s Word into this debate? 


Acts 2:40

40 With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.”


[AUDIO] - They are literally quoting Independence Day to MTG at this point. BlueAnon has lost their ever-loving minds

Marjorie Taylor Greene: According to the left, 1776 is a code word for insurrection. Did @SpeakerPelosi use 1776 as a code word to the radical left’s domestic terrorists Antifa/BLM to launch insurrection in the city streets of America in 2020? According to the left, she did.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Did @SpeakerPelosi used coded language to incite this attack on our nations Capitol?  According to the left, she did.

[AUDIO] - It was responsibility of USCP (via Capitol Police board, which included sergeant-at-arms for Pelosi and McConnell) and Bowser’s DC Police to secure Capitol. Not the White House. The fact J6 committee isn’t asking why they refused extra security tells you all you need to know: CNN “reporter”, Marshall Cohen: Great discussion w/ Jimmy Acosta about the latest January 6 revelations

— Trump WH aide testified to 1/6 committee that Meadows was warned of potential violence in DC that day

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was grilled under oath for 3 hours about her ties to 1/6 planners and rioters

[AUDIO] - @RepMTG shreds the narrative that right-wing events are violent: "The only violence I'd ever seen was the ANTIFA and BLM riots. And I've been to so many Trump rallies, I have never once seen violence out of Trump people. I don't recall any talk of violence."

[AUDIO] - Pelosi: "I Don't Even Know Why There Aren't Uprisings All Over The Country" Over Migrant Child Separation

[AUDIO] - Maxine Waters calls on citizens to harass Trump administration officials in public

[AUDIO] -  Media Hoax: No, Kevin McCarthy Did Not Say Trump Should Resign Over J6 -- McCarthy says he would recommend to Trump that he resign rather than face the humiliation of his Cabinet and Congress deeming him unfit to serve and removing him without his consent.

[AUDIO] -  TRUMP: "We have a president right now sadly who has absolutely no idea what the hell is happening. He's shaking hands with the air, he's walking around somewhat bewildered...and taking orders from the Easter Bunny!"

Secret Service Denies FOIA Request, Claims No Visitor Logs Exist for Location Where Biden Conducts Business

[AUDIO] -  Rhode Island No Vax, Double Tax Legislation: People Thought It Was An Internet Hoax, But It’s Real. Laurie Gaddis Barrett: “I never dreamed, never dreamed that I would find a bill like that introduced into the Rhode Island legislature. And as a matter of fact, the representatives that we spoke with later on told me that they had constituents calling them left and right to ask if it was real or if it was an internet hoax.” - Laurie Gaddis Barrett, a fearless Rhode Island mom who was making waves by challenging authority at every level:

See for privacy information.

THE THESIS: The Party has been prepping an environment where saying “liberty”, “we, The People” and carrying copies of the Constitution make one a domestic terrorist. Now, The Party says it disqualifies you from running for Congress. This is nothing less than culling the herd of anyone who will seriously confront the Cultural Revolution of the Great Reset. So, what will happen if brave, rock-ribbed Republicans dare speak God’s Word into this debate? 


Acts 2:40

40 With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.”


[AUDIO] - They are literally quoting Independence Day to MTG at this point. BlueAnon has lost their ever-loving minds

Marjorie Taylor Greene: According to the left, 1776 is a code word for insurrection. Did @SpeakerPelosi use 1776 as a code word to the radical left’s domestic terrorists Antifa/BLM to launch insurrection in the city streets of America in 2020? According to the left, she did.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Did @SpeakerPelosi used coded language to incite this attack on our nations Capitol?  According to the left, she did.

[AUDIO] - It was responsibility of USCP (via Capitol Police board, which included sergeant-at-arms for Pelosi and McConnell) and Bowser’s DC Police to secure Capitol. Not the White House. The fact J6 committee isn’t asking why they refused extra security tells you all you need to know: CNN “reporter”, Marshall Cohen: Great discussion w/ Jimmy Acosta about the latest January 6 revelations

— Trump WH aide testified to 1/6 committee that Meadows was warned of potential violence in DC that day

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was grilled under oath for 3 hours about her ties to 1/6 planners and rioters

[AUDIO] - @RepMTG shreds the narrative that right-wing events are violent: "The only violence I'd ever seen was the ANTIFA and BLM riots. And I've been to so many Trump rallies, I have never once seen violence out of Trump people. I don't recall any talk of violence."

[AUDIO] - Pelosi: "I Don't Even Know Why There Aren't Uprisings All Over The Country" Over Migrant Child Separation

[AUDIO] - Maxine Waters calls on citizens to harass Trump administration officials in public

[AUDIO] -  Media Hoax: No, Kevin McCarthy Did Not Say Trump Should Resign Over J6 -- McCarthy says he would recommend to Trump that he resign rather than face the humiliation of his Cabinet and Congress deeming him unfit to serve and removing him without his consent.

[AUDIO] -  TRUMP: "We have a president right now sadly who has absolutely no idea what the hell is happening. He's shaking hands with the air, he's walking around somewhat bewildered...and taking orders from the Easter Bunny!"

Secret Service Denies FOIA Request, Claims No Visitor Logs Exist for Location Where Biden Conducts Business

[AUDIO] -  Rhode Island No Vax, Double Tax Legislation: People Thought It Was An Internet Hoax, But It’s Real. Laurie Gaddis Barrett: “I never dreamed, never dreamed that I would find a bill like that introduced into the Rhode Island legislature. And as a matter of fact, the representatives that we spoke with later on told me that they had constituents calling them left and right to ask if it was real or if it was an internet hoax.” - Laurie Gaddis Barrett, a fearless Rhode Island mom who was making waves by challenging authority at every level:

See for privacy information.

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