THE THESIS: Two recent polls prove that Americans have almost no trust in the Mockingbird Media. This leaves people searching for facts they can trust. God has opened the door for us, we must enter!


Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp for my feet,

    a light on my path.

Matthew 4:3-5

3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”


This is the second major poll indicating a bottoming out of trust in media . . . 

Just 11% of U.S. adults now say they have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in television news and 16% in newspapers

The Mockingbirds have earned this and they continue to earn it. 

Sometimes their bias is amusing. Tim Graham of Newbsuters has a great comment about yet another Biden moment:

[AUDIO] -  “I suspect Wolf Blitzer won't use this like he suggested Marco Rubio was ending his career with a sip of water.”

[AUDIO] - CNN Absurdly Asks If Rubio's Sip of Water Was 'Career-Ender'

But, their decades of narrative building is costing them, like their desperate attempts to pretend there are never Americans who use guns heroically: 

[AUDIO] -  Greenwood Police Chief on "Good Samaritan" who stopped mall shooting: "His actions were nothing short of heroic. He engaged the gunman from quite a distance with a handgun, was very proficient in that, very tactically sound...he has no police training and no military background." - James Ison, Chief of Police

But, in the most important stories, the Mockingbirds are treasonous and poisonous. Americans have a right to know if General White Rage appoints himself to be Commander-in-Chief when dealing with the CCP.

With Americans desperately in need of truth, God has opened the door for Christ-followers to introduce them to Biblical truth, the solid foundation of all truth. 

Meanwhile, the Mockingbirds will continue to get people to change their opinions (and principles, if they ever had any), to get in return treasures on earth. 

Nate Hotchman tracks the career of Pro-Trump CNN personality Alyssa Farah Griffin who suddenly became anti-Trump Alyssa Farah Griffin. Now, we can all change--I know I did on Trump--but then everything else changed as well . . . an in this short timespan?  

Attention good looking, female, professoinal Republicans: 

[AUDIO] - Here’s how to become a paid CNN contributor starring Alyssa Farah Griffin

In Feb 2021, Farah said we needed "to move on" from Jan 6, and "I don’t think we benefit from re-litigating...what happened that day." 8 months later, she said: "I feel like we’re just glossing over January 6 and moving on, and we absolutely shouldn’t."

[AUDIO] -  Farah presents herself as a Republican "who has consistently said we lost," saying: "It astounds me that there are so few of us." But she herself repeatedly raised concerns about election fraud, and even alluded to a "rigged election"—well *after* she resigned from the admin.

[AUDIO] - And in a Dec 2020 Fox appearance discussing the upcoming Senate runoffs in Georgia, Farah referred to the "millions of Americans have concerns about irregularities and fraud that we saw in the 2020 elections," and warned that they needed to vote to avoid "a rigged election."

[AUDIO] -  And it's not just the election. In May, Farah told Vanity Fair that "I’m not somebody who drank the Kool-Aid for five years."  Before that, in late 2021, she told a host on The View: "I didn't have any illusions about who the president was."

[AUDIO] - ...but here's Farah describing her first time meeting Trump: "I was smiling so wide because I was just excited to see him." She adds that she says "a quick prayer of thank you" every day "I get to serve this particular president. He’s a remarkable man."


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