The separate Country of WA State is the leading indicator of what The Left intends to do to America. Here’s some of the what’s coming: they intend to ban semi-automatic rifles owned by people who have never broken a law. They intend to make sure school-shooters and drive-by shooters get less prison time. Yes, this is in the same legislative session. The AP is helping them in their pursuit by pretending AR-15s are used in most murders carried out using guns. This is all being done in a Country where you would literally commit a felony if you let your Dad shoot one of your weapons without doing a background check on him. It’s tempting to say this is all play-acting, but this is a State that recently attempted to pass into law a Bill that would put people in prison for wrongspeak, so one can understand why the dictator, Jay Inslee, doesn’t want people armed with weapons capable of effectively defending their homes.

Down the Left Coast, Stephen Colbert shared his version of Jesus while his well-trained audience hooted along. Colbert’s Jesus bares a remarkable likeness to Big Brother. He appears to believe in the same, fictional Jesus as Hillary Clinton, to whom the Mockingbirds have now turned to get real advice on how to run a successful military effort as The Party continues to push us to give even more to Ukraine . . . Colbert’s fake Jesus would approve, of course.

What does God say?

We are to be charitable people, we are to be cheerful givers . . . it does not say: “aggressive takers.”

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

The Cheerful Giver

6 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

The Lord Jesus told us to pay taxes because the coins belonged to Caesar. Jesus did not say that we are to turn to government to care for people, that is our job.

Mark 12:17

17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

And they were amazed at him.

BREAKING: WA State House passes “assault” weapon ban on a 55-42 vote. Now heads to state Senate.Democrat bill goes easy on school shooters, campus drug dealersYesterday, Colbert compared Samuel Alito to the Taliban. Today, Colbert says Republicans are bad Christians, "[The Potential GOP Budget] echoes the word of our Lord, 'For I was hungry and you said, 'hey, who gave you that free food? Slap that fish out of his dirty little mouth!'"Breaking: Censored video re-emerges of Jacob Chansley reading Trump’s tweet, telling protestors to GO HOME and remain peaceful.MSM Try to Makeover ‘Merchant of Death’ Released by Biden as a Real Artist; 'Life can always change drastically... 'Hillary Clinton: Ukraine's war-fighting "is so inspiring to me. I hope it is inspiring to every American, particularly those in positions to make decisions. Because we have to continue, and I would even argue, increase the military support that we give the Ukrainians"Biden DOJ Crusade to Jail Young Man for Anti-Hillary Memes Just Got Much Uglier 4Patriots
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