This is not pretend, it is not hysteria. The Separate Country of Washington wants to kidnap children from all states! It’s true and they actually admit it, just ask this woman, this woman and this woman. Even as good, godly men like Rep. Jim Wash fight back with proposed amendments, he is fighting from behind as his Party has been selling out to the gender industry for 8 years. Thanks to Jim’s leadership overcoming the cowardice of his Party’s flaccid Chair, all Republicans voted no on the kidnapping act, but the surrender started too long ago to make a difference.

This I also know for a fact, the Separate Country for Washington would never have been the launching place for the Satanic lies of gender-rebellion without 8 years of cowardice by the Washington State Republican Party, its past chair, Susan Hutchison and their current Chair, Caleb Heimlich. I know this because, starting in 2015, I began documenting the lies of transgenderism taking over the State and I watched as Republicans simply--and purposefully--stood aside and let perverted men into the showers of little girls and women. I watched them do nothing when Antifa attacked moms who were protesting perverted men dressed as female strippers doing sexual dances in front of kids and handing chest-binders for girls and pornographic brochures to kids … all at government facilities. I watched Republicans do nothing when “schools” began teaching kids that doctors “guess” the sex of babies, that being driven by a man obsessed with sexualizing kids in schools. In 2020, when the government ordered insurance companies to hide abortions and wrong-sex hormones being injected into kids from parents . . . parents who still had to pay them or lose their insurance, Republicans did nothing of any substance.

So, here we sit with inches away from the State legalizing kidnapping of confused children, legally harboring kids from their parents as the kids are given abortion and wrong sex hormones and now, NOW, the Washington State Republican Party wants to “fight” . . . by sending text messages.

What does God say?

Unless they fully repent, Hell awaits the people who are pushing this and people who sell-out and stand aside when they could fight a godly battle against it.

Matthew 18:5-7

5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

Causing to Stumble6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!

The theft of parental rights in Washington state is unconscionable and immoralA solid amendment from State Rep and friend, Jim Walsh.“Parental rights are not ‘infinite.’” Jamila Taylor pretends giving kids the ability to blackmail parents is helping kidsLisa Callan pretends this isn’t about taking a child away from a parent. Tana Senn speaks the truth of the intent and invokes her inner Jeffery Marsh.It isn't righteous. It's disgusting.They are calling children from around the country to Washington. Gnarly evil.Jim Walsh, too, wants to speak to the kids of the StateWalsh on lack of affirmationNicole Marci pretends this is about debating what people feel or that hurting people existConcerned father is accused of creating an “unsafe environment” for trans kids the moment he speaks up against boys being allowed in the same bathroom as his 12-year-old daughter. When they show you who they are, believe them.
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