A song for America that D.C. cannot hear.

A song by Oliver Anthony hits #1 in the US, echoing the protest of “what about us” from the American people; it is a song D.C.’s bosses can hear, but will never understand. We’ll hear that song in today's show as well as examine the appointment of David Weiss to the special counsel and the profound conflict of interest it poses. As the Rich Men of North Virginia calls out the struggles Americans are forced to face, an echo of injustice rings out as we discuss the app created by the Secretary of Defense that is letting cartels push people and products into the US from Mexico, even as the US government insist that national sovereignty is why we are so focused on Ukraine.

What does God’s Word say?
Matthew 20:24-26
24 When the ten heard about this, they were indignant with the two brothers. 25 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,

Episode 1,015 Links
Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond AG Merrick Garland is asked: “If Weiss had the authorities he needed, why does he need to be a special counsel? Do you still have faith in U.S. Attorney Weiss after the deal fell apart?” No responseThe regs state - “the Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the US Government” so someone who does not work for the current administration, because a connection between the president and the investigation creates a profound conflict of interest.A spokesperson for Jim Jordan, makes it clear they don't believe David Weiss is the right man to handle this job as special counsel. The spokesperson saying they don’t believe he can be trustedBREAKING: Joe Biden CAUGHT after smoking gun reveals Hunter's business partner visited White House 36 TIMES Peter Doocy confronts Biden about his involvement w/Hunter’s foreign bribe deals after Devon Archer testified Joe was on at least 20+ calls to lock in the bribes. Joe doubled down saying he was never involved & that it was a “lousy question”. Then he ran like a coward!“Today western values mean three things: Migration, LGBTQ and WarRFK Jr. Reveals What The Media Will Never Tell You About Ukraine: “The US Wanted This War”Secretary Mayorkas built an app for the cartels.Illegal aliens no longer have to rush rivers, deserts, and Border Walls in Mexico to abuse our immigration system. Now they only need to download Mayorkas’ CBP One app. 4Patriots
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