A General WORSE than Milley to take over the Joint Chiefs? More importantly to The Party, did our so-called Debt Ceiling drama assure Zalensky will get “his”money?

What is worse for America than rank partisanship in D.C.? Bipartisanship. The bipartisan agreement to pretend we have a “debt-ceiling” will take us where it has always taken us, deeper into a debt we will never pay-off. Good thing there is bipartisan agreement to make sure Zelensky gets his money, in fact, Lyndsey Graham was in Ukraine during the Kabuki Theater of debt talks to assure Zelensky of that. D.C. has a bipartisan agreement to ignore the corrupting of our military with the tools of Communism, Critical Theory in race and “gender.” The new head of the Joint Chiefs, Charles Q. Brown is a proponent of Critical Theory and has overseen its insertion into the throats of Air Force personnel during an era when recruitment numbers have been tanked as people predisposed to serve a Nation they deeply love observe political bosses of the military telling them to hate it. But, General Charles Q. Brown has this going for him, as the people who run Joe Biden remind us: he helped secure more money for Ukraine.
What does God’s Word say?
Proverbs 22:7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.
Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
Psalm 37:21 The wicked borrows but does not pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives;
Episode 865 Links:
McConnell calls for 'swift passage' of debt limit compromise bill 'without unnecessary delay'; The vote in the GOP-led House is expected to take place on WednesdayThe United States is days away from a default and Lindsey Graham is in Ukraine promising to give away more of your tax dollars.Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley’s Replacement Even More Woke, If That is Possible; Milley’s replacement, Air Force General Charles Q. Brown, has published a blatantly racist, quota-based personnel promotion document, while presiding over tanking recruiting and military readiness numbers.Why Are US Military Personnel Heading To Peru?U.S. Has Been Planning Ukraine's Counteroffensive 'For Months,' Victoria Nuland SaysSavanah Hernandez, Post Millennial: Carlos Arrellano worked inside the largest migrant hotel in New York City, the ROW NYC, he exposes:-Almost 5,000 illegal immigrants are living a block away from Times Square-10 to 14-y/o kids getting drunk -Trashed hotel rooms-Guns, violence & theft from local storesNew York Governor Plans to House Hundreds of Illegal Immigrants on SUNY College Campuses - 1,500 illegal immigrants to be precise “For more than three years, the Department of Justice has been investigating Hunter Biden for possible tax crimes. In his first interview, CBS News sat down with the IRS agent who is blowing the whistle on what he says was preferential treatment during a federal investigation.” - Good for CBS News, they actually covered one of the Hunter Biden, IRS whistleblowers.Biden White House Calls for Banning 'Extremist Websites' and 'Hate Speech' in 'National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism'

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