13 million mRNA deaths? Fauci admits the mRNA is trash. A “gender” clinic whistleblower describes the horrors of what they do to kids (and this from a woman who identifies as “queer” and is “married” to a woman who identifies as a man).

Take the number of doses of the mRNA, divide by 1,000 and yield the number of deaths from the mRNA injection: that is the implication of a new paper as interpreted by Steve Kirsch. That is 13 million people and those numbers line right-up with independent data sets from other researchers. This means 670,000 mRNA deaths in America . . . which line-up nicely with Ethical Skeptic’s work. If none of this makes news--it hasn’t and it won’t--what about the admission from America's Favorite Psychopath™. “Doctor” Anthony Fauci on the mRNA? Fauci co-authored a paper that points out the injections do nothing to help stop Covid. The authors casually blame “the variants” in the same paper where they admit the mRNA design is flawed at its core.

The same actors on a different stage are culling the population with sterilization for riches using the scientifically meaningless, made-up word “transgender.” A woman who worked in a “gender” clinic wrote a piece about the horrors they do to kids, little matters like destroying their livers. Being a woman who identifies as “queer”, and is “married” to a woman who identifies as a man, she is perhaps the perfect whistleblower to share with your friends who lean left.

What does God say?

I think the Lord is very clear.

Exodus 20:13

13 “You shall not murder.

Genesis 1:27

27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

I think this--also clear--is quite hard to accomplish.

100 Bible Verses on Praying for Our Enemies

The Links

"The people who are under the age of 50 who took the vaccine now have a 49% higher mortality rate... One dose there was a 145% mortality rate" - Josh Stirling, insurance analyst. This is based on UK data.
New paper: An estimated 13 million people worldwide killed by the COVID vaccines; That's twice as many as were killed by the virus. In the US, the estimates are 670K Americans killed. Perhaps it's time to declare that the vaccines are a worldwide emergency?Dr. Anthony Fauci now admits the mRNA Covid vaccines hardly work and might not be approvable; In fact, a bombshell paper he co-authored last month suggests ALL vaccines for common respiratory viruses may face intractable hurdles. And that's not even the worst news. I'm not exaggerating.Show Advertisers

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