Do you ever wonder why you're not attracting amazing clients?

You get some clients but you want more of the dreamy clients - the ones who love what you do, value your work and are happy to pay your fees. E

ven if your strategy is on fire - if you don't get this one thing right, all the strategy in the world won't fix it!!

Nail this piece and you will be so magnetic - clients will be falling all over you, you'll get enquiries in your inbox, opportunities landing at your feet - all because you did this one thing!

Listen to the podcast and get the full story!

Looking to Multiply Your Income & Impact With a Magnetic Messaging System That Scales Even When You’re Only Working 4 Hours a Day?

Get the details about my course, Multiplier -


Hello lovely! I'm Yasmin. I'm a Messaging & Business Coach, bestselling author and the founder of Tiny Time Big Results.

With over 30,000 students worldwide, I specialise in teaching coaches and experts how to attract perfect-fit clients with magnetic messaging.

Find me on:

✅ Instagram - Yasmin | Magnetic Messaging Coach | Business Strategist (@yasvorajee)

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✅ LinkedIn - Yasmin Vorajee | LinkedIn

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