Welcome to 2021 and the first episode of a new series of The Tingle Zone.  

And this time, something a little different.

I will be talking to Mark Hayward of Absolute Business Mindset - but he will also be talking to me.

Mark and I connected a few months ago and discovered that we had a very similar background, do very similar things now and both host similar podcasts. Instead of me going on Mark's podcast and then him coming on mine, we decided to do something a bit different and record a single conversation which could serve for both.

Consequently, the format is a little different as we incorporate Mark's questions to me, as well as mine to him.  Which means you get to hear a lot more from me about my journey than you do normally.

Along the way we also discuss topics such as getting a new business off the ground, losing momentum along the way and how current technologies will impact the business of the future.

If you want to know more about Mark, then just go to his website:

Absolute Business Mindset

where you can found out more about what Mark does, along with a link to his podcast.

So do check that out but, for now, sit back, relax, get two podcasts for the price of one and, most of all, enjoy.