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In this episode I speak with David Nixon of Speaky Blinders and David Nixon Writing.  David has had a portfolio career – apoet, street performer, occupational therapist, researcher, actor, cabaret artist, event promotor … the list goes on. Today he helps people improve their public speaking skills, especially for those doing a one off gig such as a Best Man speech.

A few years ago, David suffered a brain injury which forced him to re-evalute what's important in life. His disability is not outwardly evident yet it affects him on a day to day basis.

We caught up over a coffee for a chat and I would call our interview philosophical, fascinating and fun.

PLEASE NOTE - this podcast does contain background hubbub and music, as it was recorded in Frankie and Benny's.  I've done nothing to affect these extra noises in order to keep things authentic.

For more information on David Nixon go to his website at: David Nixon Writing

That's it from me.  If you want to know more about what I do you can go to my website: Business Enjoyment

and whilst there, make sure you check out my video: The Secret of Business Enjoyment

In the mean time, sit back, relax and enjoy the podcast