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In this episode I speak with Gregory Reece Smith, an international bestselling author, coach and shaman.  Like me, Gregory started out in the world of accountancy and finance following the traditional path of education and work.  Eventually, he realised that the high level path that he'd been following was completely wrong for him and discovered that he'd set out on it for completely the wrong reasons.  

So he left and headed in a completely different direction and now uses Shamanic techniques to help business owners and entrepreneurs reconnect what they do with their soul path.

In our conversation we explore how and why society's established working practices are out of date, the importance of paying attention to what your body is telling you and what our purpose is during our time on this earth.  

Not bad for a few minutes of your time.

PLEASE NOTE - we had a few signal quality issues during this recording.  I've done my best with what limited editing skills I have to fill in the blanks so please be patient with a few buzzes and blurs and if you don't quite catch something, then it probably wasn't that important.

For more information on Gregory Reece Smith go to his website at:

Shamanic CEO

You can also access his first book, referenced in our interview, on Amazon at:

The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony

He also talks about making his second book available to us.  Download it for FREE at:

7 Mystical Ways to Accelerate Your Business and Your Life

That's it from me.  If you want to know more about what I do you can go to my website:

Business Enjoyment

and whilst there, make sure you check out my video:

The Secret of Business Enjoyment

In the mean time, sit back, relax and enjoy the podcast