In this episode, I'm talking with Gemma Perkins founder of The Self-Leadership Initiative, who inspires and empowers individuals to become their best selves through interactive coaching and learning experiences. 

With a focus on soft skills such as emotional intelligence and self-leadership, Gemma helps individuals lead their lives effectively and authentically. Whether one aims to become a manager in the workplace or start a family, Gemma's training and coaching provide a grounded sense of self-awareness.

Having worked in education and found herself in a toxic work environment, Gemma realised there was a better way of doing things and set off on her own to make the world a better place. 

In our conversation, we cover such topics as:

the challenges of starting a business;

the importance of saying 'No' to clients; and

the power of self-awareness and self-reflection.

Gemma's passion for helping individuals improve their emotional intelligence, leadership skills and well-being shines through in this episode.

If you want to know more about Gemma, then check out the following links:

Gemma's Website

Gemma's Linkedin Profile

Company Linkedin Profile

So do check those out but for now sit back, relax, think about where you could do with a bit more self-leadership and, most of all, enjoy.