To download a free recording of my webinar "How to Survive the Financial Crisis - with the Guy who Wrote the Book on it" - just go to my website

The Tingle Zone

In this episode, I speak to four mothers, all of whom have to balance running a business and looking after their children.  We have children with a range of ages and mothers with different perspectives on life.  Which means that if you're in a similar situation, there will be something of use to you in here.  By pure coincidence, all of my interviewees have names beginning with J.  Click on their names below to go to their websites if you want to find out more.

Jayne Adamson - Independent Marketing Consultant

Jo Munroe - VA and Business HR Support Agency

Joelle Byrne - Business Growth Strategist

Julia Harris  - Trainer, mentor and artist

A powerful conversation and much to absorb here.
