In this episode, I'm talking with Dr Dina Preston-Ortiz and her husband Don Ortiz who have uniquely combined music and business.

As professional musicians, they started with nothing (well 31¢, to be precise) and have built themselves up to where they have toured all round the world - without any record deals or any management to oversee things.

They are also business experts, teaching the principles through their own talks and programmes as well as at College, where Dina is a business management professor.

In our conversation, we explore how being in a band has taught them everything they needed to know in business about:

leadership and communication;
the sales mindset;
balancing a targetted marketing approach whilst still being able to help everyone; and
the importance of listening to your market in order to tailor your product.

This is quite possible the ultimate story in combining your passion with business - and getting the right balance of both.

If you want to know more about them then have a look at:

The Band's Website

they also do talks and presentations, more of which can be found here:

International Keynote Speaking Website

There is of course their book, which tells their story and pulls out the business lessons:

From 31 Cents to 43 Countries - Hardcore Tips to Increasing Profits

and there is the music video they refer to in our conversation:

I Can't Wait

So do check those out but for now sit back, relax, get ready for a journey like no other and, most of all, enjoy.