We're back for another Extra Scoop, this time looking at Big Finish Productions' Doctor Who audio dramas.  You can enter our contest for a Humble Bundle Big Finish audio bundle by tweeting at us (@TimeScoopCast), commenting on our Facebook page, or commenting below.  Include the hashtag #BigFinishAndChill and let us know which Doctor you look forward to hearing more of in Big Finish.  You have until 11:59 PM Pacific Time on 1/2/2016 to enter.


Recently, Michael guested on two episodes of Laughing at Archaeologists with previous Time Scoop panelist Rye Silverman and co-host Brock Wilbur.  The episodes covered Heaven Sent from the current series 9 and The Time Monster from series 9 of the classic series. 

Laughing At Archaeologists on iTunes

Laughing At Archaeologists on Facebook


You can find deals for the 12 Days of Big Finishmas and other great stuff at:

Big Finish Productions


The Big Finish Humble Bundle is available at:

Humble Bundle

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