It’s an incredible benefit to any business to have a group of people who follow what you have to say over a long period of time. It may not seem that way because that doesn’t necessarily translate into some kind of benefit or profit to you. Or does it? This is a long game, a long process that definitely pays off over time. On this episode, Kent talks about what it takes to build a following, why it’s important, and the practical steps you have to follow in order to make it happen in a way that helps people and benefits you.

Outline of this great episode:

A question Kent got from a client: How do you go about building a tribe or following?

The power of becoming a trust-agent for someone else by doing something you love.

Why you have to add value - real value - to other people.

The perception you create through consistency becomes reality over time.

You’ve got to learn how to retarget and employ it aggressively.

Don’t discount the effectiveness of social media in building your tribe.

Use every distribution channel you can reasonably use.