Anyone who embarks on an entrepreneurial journey is going to experience failure. You can’t get around it and honestly, you don’t want to. Failure has a way of teaching you lessons you won’t learn any other way - and they are lessons that will set you up for success in the future. Kent’s guest on this episode is Rob Nunnery, a guy who has made it his mission in life to help people learn how to use failure to reach their goals. In this conversation, Rob shares how he struggled through multiple failed businesses and became successful in affiliate marketing, then left it all to do something extraordinary. This is a story you don’t want to miss.

Outline of this great episode:

Rob Nunnery, a new connection of Kent’s who has a story to tell about failure.

How Rob started out (9 failed businesses) and finally got on the path toward success.

The things that drive Rob today: his passionate causes.

People will reward you when you bring value to their live in a meaningful way.

It’s not typical for people to know that steps lead to outcomes.

Why Rob doesn’t believe that anyone can become an entrepreneur.

The huge difference between building a business and building a job.

Information that Rob is seeking out at this point in his life.

When you’re not chasing money you are able to maintain your values.

There’s an ocean of mediocrity out there and you have to rise to the top.