The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 567 – August 2, 2020 On episode 567 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Francie (@Francie57 on Twitter), Cathy (@Cathy47204163 on Twitter) and the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, and Richard Hine […]

The Tim Corrimal Show

Episode 567 – August 2, 2020

On episode 567 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Francie (@Francie57 on Twitter), Cathy (@Cathy47204163 on Twitter) and the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, and Richard Hine (@RichardHine on Twitter) AKA TheDailyEdge (@TheDailyEdge on Twitter) from, @RealDonalDrumpf (@RealDonalDrumpf on Twitter) and Unprecedented.

On the show this week we start out with introductions and the All A Tweetie segment, then we discuss Morgan Freeman reading John Lewis’ last words as well as President Obama’s eulogy at John Lewis’ funeral. Then we discuss a clip of Trump whining about Dr. Fauci’s approval ratings compared to his and a clip of Rep. Louie Gohmert blaming his mask for contracting COVID-19. Then Joe gives us another hilarious Clown Car Update with a parody about a new dating site called “Our Demon Time” and we discuss Anderson Cooper’s take on Trump continuing to defend Tea Party funded supposed “Doctors” pushing Hydroxychloroquine and demon sex. And we close out the show discussing Dr. Fauci speaking at the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Hearing as well as Dr. Fauci’s interview on ABC objecting to Trump’s tweet storm against him and stating clearly that he has not been misleading the American people.

Be sure to follow me, @timcorrimal on Twitter and Facebook to join the fun. Also check out our Facebook Page for the show.

The Tim Corrimal Show is available on the Mobile App for your Smart Phone or Tablet as well as on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8:30am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 10:15pm Eastern.

Check out Lauren Mayer’s albums including her new one, “Facts Have a Well Know Liberal Bias” as well as “Guess I Picked The Wrong Week To Quit Sniffing Glue” and “If My Uterus Were a Gun (And Other Musical Rants from the News)” at or on iTunes. Her music is also available at and  You can also help support Lauren’s goal of producing a political song relevant to the news each week by becoming of member on her new Patreon Page.  Also check out Lauren’s merchandise site at

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Music on the show:

Lauren Mayer – Voter Fraud is a Fraud

Lauren Mayer’s Website

Lauren Mayer’s YouTube Page

Lauren Mayer on Twitter

Lauren Mayer on Facebook

Lauren Mayer’s Bandcamp Page

Lauren Mayer’s Patreon Page

Lauren Mayer’s Merchandise Shop

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