It’s the most wonderful time of the year - but has it been the most wonderful of years for Reading FC?

The final show of 2021 for The Tilehurst End Podcast recaps a hugely memorable, 150th anniversary year for the Royals with Marc Mayo joined by Simeon Pickup, Ben Thomas and Marco Bader to discuss the psat 12 months and hand out some awards. Our annual ceremony features the likes of the Best Player, Most Improved Player, Comedy Moment and HRK Award for Underachievement.

Sponsored by ZCZ Films, The Tilehurst End Podcast can be taken in via PodBeanSpotify, Acast, YouTube or iTunes. Furthermore, thanks to all listeners who continue to pledge to our Patreon campaign.

Listeners can always get in touch with the podcast via our Twitter and Facebook pages as well as our email, [email protected], with thoughts on the show, opinions on the team, and potential topics to sink our teeth into always welcome.

Show Order

Recap of the year - 03:29

End of year awards - 23:24

Preview of 2022 - 01:10:35