It’s been just over 60 days since Reading last stepped onto a football pitch and a flurry of news has awoken us from our slumber to remind us that the new season is just a month away...

Marc Mayo, Simeon Pickup and Olly Allen are back to discuss Michael Olise’s exit, the latest transfer gossip, the new kit and how 2021-22 is shaping up for Episode 265 of The Tilehurst End Podcast.

Sponsored by ZCZ Films, The Tilehurst End Podcast can be taken in via PodBeanSpotify, Acast, YouTube or iTunes. Furthermore, thanks to all listeners who continue to pledge to our Patreon campaign.

Listeners can always get in touch with the podcast via our Twitter and Facebook pages as well as our email, [email protected], with thoughts on the show, opinions on the team, and potential topics to sink our teeth into always welcome.