There are people out there, especially on the internet, who will tell you that they can show you how to quadruple your art sales and make millions of dollars from selling your art...if you will just follow their super-special marketing techniques.  

But here's the truth:  I don’t care how great of a marketer you are.  If your art isn’t up to snuff, it ain’t gonna sell.   

Marketing isn’t the secret foolproof key to unlocking success in the art world.  

There are three aspects of your life that have to be in alignment in order to thrive as an artist:  your faith, your art, and your business.  

These three work together to get the results that you want to get.  If any of these are out of tune, you are bound to hit roadblocks and experience a lot of frustration.  

I call it The Trinity Effect, and I am going to tell you all about it on this episode of Five-Minute Mentoring.  Check it out!  

Ready to build a business that helps you thrive spiritually, artistically, and financially?  Here are 4 ways I can help: 

1️⃣ Join Us in November - Every artist was created by God to create with Him to both experience and release His Light and Life through their creative expression. Join us for a powerful 3-day healing event for artists called the “Unlocking the Heart of the Artist Experience” where you can do just that! Click here to learn more  ➡️

2️⃣  Read the Book: Check out my book “How to Price Your Art: Pricing with Confidence for Sales & Profit” on Amazon ➡️

3️⃣  Create Art and Profit: Discover how to create the art you love while still providing for yourself financially in my “How to Price Your Art” workshop. Get more details here ➡️

4️⃣  Ready to truly thrive?  Join the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program to discover how to build your art business and live the abundant life Jesus promised you as an artist in His Kingdom! Click here for details and to enroll!  ➡️

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