You know those people who are so generous that they’ll drop everything to show you around their gorgeous city, inspire and move you, and then leave you wondering how you were so fortunate to meet them?

Wendy Manzo is one of those people.

Art has always been in Wendy, and she has always connected that art with God.  But it wasn’t until she was invited to paint (not her artistic field of choice at the time) in worship and felt the Holy Spirit moving through her brush that she began to undertake prophetic art.  

There wasn’t even a name for it at the time, but that’s what she was doing as God led her to raise up armies of artists.  

And she would be the first to tell you that your art - whatever it might be - can be prophetic art if you feel the Holy Spirit guiding you to make it.  

(How cool is it to think that your art is “good enough” not because some critic said so, but because you know God made you good enough?)  

Wendy’s art and presence has had a huge impact on so many people in her home congregation as well as at other churches she’s been moved to work in, at her workshops, and everybody who reads the books she’s written.  Check out her latest book, 40 Days Hath November, right here on  Amazon.  

This episode of the podcast is guaranteed to make you want to grab your paints, your yarn, your instrument…even your pots and pans…and let God move you to go make art with them.  

Here’s where you can find more from the fabulous Wendy Manzo at: 


When you’re ready to stop striving and start thriving, here are 2 other ways I can help: 

1️⃣  Get my FREE Guide, “5 Biggest Misconceptions About Prophetic Art” Wondering how to create your art with God or what prophetic art is all about?  Grab my free guide and make sure you’re not stuck in any of these misconceptions about prophetic art!   Download here ➡️

2️⃣  Connect with God: Discover how to connect with the Lord and discover His intention for you and your art in His Kingdom in my course, How to Connect with God to Create & Sell Your Art
Get more details here ➡️

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