Update! CJ’s back with a solo episode updating us on all things ThriveOnLife. 
Newbies & regulars, catch up on the fresh deets! 

- How & Why ThriveOnLife Exists
- How Thrive has pivoted over the years
- Why CJ LOVES consulting 
- What CJ hopes to accomplish with ThriveOnLife in the next year 
- CJ’s ultimate goals for the brand & company at large 
- Why Richard Branson is one of CJ’s role models
- What’s currently going behind the scenes at ThriveOnLife 
- Plans to expand beyond Austin!


Resources Mentioned
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action - Simon Sinek
The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results - Gary Keller
Losing My Virginity - Richard Branson 


Connect with The Team:

Jasmine Quinones Website Instagram

Jon Scotty Website Instagram

Hamza Abdallah Website Instagram

Ishani Narwankar Website Instagram

Jake Allen Website Instagram

Courtney Peacock Work with Courtney Instagram

Charlotte Fackre  Website  Instagram

Joe Gangemi Website Instagram coming soon!

Katherine An Website Instagram (under construction)

Dana Drahos Website Instagram

Travis Kwielford Website Instagram

Cassandra Website Instagram

Erin Finley Website Instagram


Connect with CJ Finley:
CJ's Instagram 
Thrive On Life Instagram 
Thrive On Life Website 


“Your journey does not have to be a straight line or even make sense to others. All that matters is that you are happy and having fun with the mission and journey that you are on.” - CJ Finley