Henry Ford said, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Oftentimes people don’t know what they need, we have to show them.


This means that you’re creating something new. And when you’re doing something that’s never been done, you’re going to be called crazy. You’re going to fail. You’re going to have to take calculated risks.


That’s what we’re here to talk about at Thrive HQ with seasoned smart risk-takers Nurse Jon Mendoza and Baldo Garza, Founders of MSW Vitamin Lounge, a vitamin bar (think delicious multivitamin drinks rather than alcoholic drinks), as well as vitamin products and health consultations. They are #keepingaustinvitamized and creating a healthcare space that feels more like home rather than a doctor’s office.


On this educational episode of Thrive On Life, we investigate:

-What it means to be a trendsetter in your industry

-The difference between PRICE and COST and how this understanding impacts your long-term business growth and personal health

-The backstory of MSW Lounge and what they’ve learned about starting small and thinking big

-What to look out for when hiring a consultant


For full show notes and resources: https://www.thriveonlife.com/resources


If you’re in the Austin area and want a fun and welcoming health experience, book an appointment at their website: https://www.mswlounge.com/ and connect with them on Instagram: @mswlounge


Connect with CJ Finley and Thrive On Life:



