In this episode, CJ is joined by Michael Limongelli where they discuss various topics including sales, entrepreneurship, and brand building.

They reflect on how Michael previous quit the corporate world to become a successful Entrepreneur, yet recently he went back to the corporate world to earn 20K+ a month to fund his life and business ventures.

They chat about how time seems to fly as they get older and delve deep into the concept of being focused and dialed in on certain areas of life and how sometimes the both lose themselves within their "hero's" journey.

Tune in for an insightful conversation filled with valuable insights and personal experiences that may help you on your own path to creative & financial freedom. 


Check out Michael's previous TOL Podcast episodes 14125



Key Topics

[00:01:30] Time as an illusion.

[00:04:57] Starting a business while working a corporate job.

[00:09:26] Knowing when to pivot your idea/business.

[00:12:59] The breaking point and knowing when to "quit."

[00:18:38] How humans have been reduced to a number and "headcount."

[00:20:29] What is value?

[00:23:44] The power of serving other people.

[00:30:07] Bringing our fullest selves to our job/career.

[00:35:18] A four day work week.

[00:36:24] Losing creativity and passion.

[00:40:01] The next 10 years.

[00:45:59] Using creativity in sales.

[00:49:11] Speaking to organizations about sales.

[00:52:27] Manipulation and selling ourselves.

[00:58:01] Where to put CEO energy.

[00:59:07] The power of choice.

[01:02:39] Manipulating thoughts for positive action.


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