In this short episode, CJ explores the concept of success and how everyone can overcome their own limitations to achieve their goals and dreams.

The key to success, CJ explains, is constant learning.

And the fastest way to learn is to be surrounded with people who are more knowledgeable and experienced in the areas you want to improve in.

However, this can be intimidating and may make you feel like a failure before you even begin. CJ encourages you to embrace the fear of being a beginner and to understand that it is a necessary step towards expertise and success.

This episode prompts us to reflect on how often we or others abandon our goals due to fear of failure and lack of action, as well as tips to overcome this. 


Key Topics

-What are your limiting beliefs?

-Do you fear judgment from others?

-Learning to embrace the beginner's mindset

-Tips to build momentum towards your goals and dreams


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