In this episode CJ is joined by his wife, Erin Finley, to discuss the story of her giving birth to their son. They reflect on the experience leading up to Erin going into labor, the process of having a doula with them at the hospital, how their birth plans changed numerous times, and their overall experience during their first month of parenthood. 


Key Topics

Mention of going past the due date and attempts to induce labor naturally
Description of various techniques used, such as curb walking and the Miles Circuit
Acknowledgment of the importance of their doula from Austin Birth Company
Reflection on the lack of guidance and advice from doctors during pregnancy
Emphasis on laboring at home for as long as possible before going to the hospital
How their was in a "sunny side up" position and strategies suggested to encourage the baby to flip, despite Erin's pain.
Making the delivery room comfortable with optimal lighting, sounds, and smells. 
Explanation of baby's "stations" in the birthing process and the complications arising from the baby's face-up position.
Decision to get an epidural to manage the pain after progress had stalled.
How Erin's doctor flipped the baby
The importance of immediate skin-to-skin contact post-birth, and insistence on delaying medical checks to facilitate this.
Reflections on the hospital stay after the birth: initial shock, recovery from the epidural and Pitocin, adjusting to nursing schedules.
The challenge of the first few nights at home with the baby without medical personnel or a doula present.
Why communication is vital in the early days of parenthood
How CJ is helping Erin throughout her recovery
The most fulfilling moments as their first month as Mom and Dad


Connect with Erin




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