In this episode, we welcome Dom Fusco to the podcast to chat about leaning into who you are, how tearing his ACL impacted his football career, and the struggles he faced through that process. We also chat about podcasting, creating content, business strategy, a practice for setting clear goals, and so much more!


Tune in for more and see below for a full list of topics covered in this episode with Dom!


Key Topics
Leaning into who you are and not comparing yourself to others
What pushed him to start progressing his life forward
Tearing his ACL and being unable to play football + the struggles he faced with that process
Dom’s podcast and what led him to start it 
His biggest struggle right now and how he’s working to overcome it 
The difference between working IN your business versus working ON your business
How consistency affects growth
Defining his target customer and how he helps them
How to use social media to build trust
Managing a busy schedule
The difference between being committed to winning vs being committed to what feels good
3 things he’s manifesting for the future 
What “thriving” means to Dom


Connect with Dom: 

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