Talk of mindfulness is everywhere these days, but what really is it? 


Michelle Florez is a mindfulness coach based out of Austin, Texas and she joins us today to chat about her journey with mindfulness and using breathwork to overcome trauma, as well as how you can apply it to your own life. We also chat about health, building a business as a coach, and so much more. Plus, she leads us through a short breathing practice! Tune in for more and see below for a full list of topics covered in this powerful episode with Michelle.

Key Topics
Introducing Michelle and explaining what Mindfulness Coaching is
Doing a parasympathetic breathing practice
The story of she got into mindfulness & breathwork
How mindfulness can help you build self-regulation and drop the victim mindset 
The pain point and trauma that caused her to get into mindfulness
Why breathwork is so impactful on our health, bodies, and minds
How she started her coaching business and how she’s grown it since
The importance of knowing your customer’s needs and how to meet them
How to practically cut unnecessary expenses 
Why should someone pay for breathwork or mindfulness coaching? 
How to get in contact with her 
What does “thriving” mean to Michelle


Connect with Michelle: 

Michelle’s Instagram

Michelle’s Website

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CJ's Instagram  

Thrive On Life Instagram

Thrive On Life Website